Introducing Productboard Pulse. Exec-level insights into what your customers need, powered by AI.
Companies need to invest product resources where it will have the greatest impact, and in a reality where resources are constrained or finite, failing fast — or even at all — is not an option. Product leaders need visibility to identify gaps in product development, delivery slowdowns, and ultimately to intervene before anything has the chance to fail. Product teams need visibility in the other direction to plan effectively and work more efficiently (not to mention, faster) under growing pressure to meet the needs of the company and most importantly, customers.
We’re excited to roll out new Reports and a first-of-its-kind Customer board — to give both product leaders and teams visibility into how the team is running to achieve more business impact, faster. With our new Reports and Customer board capabilities, product teams can understand their efficiencies, product investments, and customer needs end to end, helping them deliver the right products for their customers faster and show their progress to the rest of the company along the way.
“ Product leaders spend a lot of time thinking about whether they’re moving fast enough, spending resources on the right priorities, and how they can deliver more value to customers,” said Srinivas Krishnamurti, SVP of Product, Productboard. “Today, these answers are based on gut feeling because there’s nowhere to see what’s happening across their organization and product lifecycle. With Productboard, leaders can now measure velocity and track investments, allowing them to fix inefficiencies, align resources to business goals, and deliver customer value, faster. ”
“ If everyone involved in the product development process has visibility and a solid understanding of what everyone else is working on — you don’t really need a ton of project management. It frees my team up to add a lot of value. ”
Jake Forsland
You can’t improve what you don’t measure. But as product teams use a myriad of tools throughout the product lifecycle, it’s a struggle to fully understand what’s working, what’s not, and what you can do to move faster from idea to customer value.
Now, with efficiency reports you can turn speed into your competitive advantage:
The biggest risk to success is wasting resources on the wrong product investments. But how do product teams track investments across priorities and make sure they’re appropriately resourced in the right investments and that “shadow” projects are not stealing resources?
Maximize impact by aligning resources with business goals using resource allocation reports:
“ I used to be in EVERY sales deal. Then the sales team scales, and you don’t talk to customers anymore, so it’s hard to know what customers want, but with Productboard we have a centralized view of customer needs. ”
Antoine Guénard
While product teams are measured on happy customers, where can they turn to get a deep understanding of customers and their needs?
With Customer board, organizations now have a holistic, single view of each customer’s feedback, feature requests, and status of requested features. No need to reference multiple tools and sources. Full customer context is only a few clicks away.
With customer context readily available, product teams can:
And it’s all in one place.
That means having a single source of truth — or board — for every customer, with feedback pulled from all areas of the tool in one place, ultimately saving time for teams while enabling confidence and context when speaking with customers.
We can’t wait to hear what you do with these new features!
Note: Efficiency reports and Customer board are available to Productboard customers through its Beta program. Resource allocation reports will be available through its Beta program starting September 12th.